Select Handballs

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Hand sewn SELECT Handballs

There is a good chance that as a handball player you have already held a SELECT handball in your hands. The Danish brand is a major player among handball producers and produces more than 2 million balls per year. The famous 32-panel system is still the basis of the design of most handballs today. The hand-stitched SELECT handballs are so popular because of their excellent quality and durability.

Official match ball for the biggest European handball competitions: SELECT Ultimate

Since 2016 SELECT has been a partner of the European Handball Federation (EHF). SELECT Ultimate, the top handball from SELECT, is the official match ball for the largest and most important European handball competitions such as the Champions League and the European Championship. SELECT develops an exclusive and special design for the SELECT Ultimate handball for each tournament. These handballs are of the highest quality as world top players show their skills at the highest level with this ball.

SELECT handballs are EHF tested

The popular models are EHF tested and used in international competitions. Based on these 4 criteria, the EHF tests: 1) the circumference, 2) the roundness, 3) the weight and 4) the bounce quality. An EHF seal can be seen on the handballs, which stands for the excellent quality, durability and playing characteristics of the SELECT handball.


In addition to the original EHF tested handballs, SELECT also has 'Replicas' in its range. The design of the balls is almost 1-to-1 similar to that of the original balls. But once you have the balls in your hand, you will notice the difference: the replica balls are simplified copy models of the high-quality balls. The grip is slightly less and generally do not feel as pleasant as the original EHF match ball. The advantage is that the replica models are all cheaper than their original models. The replica models are very solid when it comes to value for money and a great alternative to the more expensive original balls.

Extensive SELECT handball range

In addition to professional handballs for training and competitions, SELECT also offers a wide range of training and competition balls for less professional handball players. Due to the extensive selection of handballs, SELECT has the most ideal handball for every handball player. Also consider the wide range for children in size 0 and 1 and young adults in size 2, where size and weight are precisely adjusted to the guidelines of the IHF (International Handball Federation).


In addition to the SELECT Ultimate handball, SELECT also has other great handballs in its collection. The SELECT Solera is a popular training handball that feels great in the hand, both with and without resin. The SELECT Maxi Grip 2.0 has been further developed and sticks, bounces and throws even better than its predecessor. What is special about this handball is that it is self-adhesive and has the same functionalities as a handball that is coated with resin. A special ball in the range is the SELECT Adaptaball, which continuously challenges and stimulates the handball player due to the imbalance created in the ball.

SELECT Profcare Resin

Not only the handballs, but also various accessories including SELECT resin are popular among handball players. You can find SELECT Profcare handball resin in quantities up to 500g. It provides the perfect grip and adheres excellently. This resin is popular because it is much more user-friendly and easier to remove than other comparable products. In addition, SELECT also offers the matching resin remover and floor cleaner for after training. In the Profcare range, SELECT also offers a large collection of braces and protectors with which you can protect yourself from head to toe against the tough daily handball work.